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Writer's pictureWarren Wee

My View On The Education System.

Not many will agree on what I'm about to say but it's just my opinion.

This is what I think. Over the years, I've noticed a pattern that is unforgivable and also very damaging in the long term. I am someone who does not like to memorize because to me, memorisation is not learning. Learning is where you develop new skills and gain new knowledge, not memorize knowledge and forget it after the test. To me, this is where everything begins to be debatable. Since our results are coming up, I honestly do not care as much about being top. If I'm top, it's a bonus. If I'm not, it doesn't matter as long as I achieve credit. Why?

It's because I see the education system and examinations as a faulty system except for MUET and Maths although there are some related points in those examinations as well. The strict answer scheme in each of the exams add up to a mixture of stress and memorisation which is not learning. By learning, you understand and the knowledge is imprinted automatically unlike memorisation which involves the imprintment of knowledge regardless of wether we understand or not. The result of such an examination is the success of students who are only good at memorisation and the desertion of students who instead choose to understand their study topics. It also allows students who are not qualified to qualify for higher education and in the end, they end up dropping out due to not being able to cope with the depth of the topics.

Recently I have received a very annoying question from someone who asked "how do you memorize without notes?" after I said I don't use any when they asked to borrow my notes. My way is to study the entire book but not read sentence by sentence. Since I take my time to understand the concepts instead of memorise, all I need to do is look through the book in search of keywords and instantly the concepts pop back into my mind. Althought my way of studying doesn't work for everyone, it's still what brought me to where I am today.

As a result of the nature of the current examinations, studying has been viewed more as memorisation which is far from the true nature of studying. Feel free to disagree in the comments since MUET is all about voicing your opinions. Thanks for reading this far!

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