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Writer's pictureWarren Wee

Malangang and Kundasang Camps Reflection

Throughout this last week, I participated in 2 camps, one being a boot camp while the other being an educational camp.

Starting off with the boot camp, the trip to the centre was very long as the bus had to navigate through the mountains. I didn't think about it much as I prayed throughout the trip but afterwards, we were met with some weird things. Firstly, when eating, you would need to wait for everyone before you could eat and then you'd have to do your own dishes which was fine, then you'd need to wear your shoes regardless of how dry or wet they were but the strangest thing was the fact that the instructors were very bipolar. One minute, they'd be giving off gangster faces then the next minute, they'd be smiling like a kindergarten teacher. Peculiar human beings indeed.

The activities were very fun and challenging. They split us into 10 teams for activities. A few highlights were the commando crawl and the rock climbing. The commando crawl was the most annoying part as we all had to literally get ourselves dirty. It was annoying as we had to bring our muddly clothes up to the Kundasang camp later on but the worst part was how wet our shoes got (caused them to smell bad). We also went for rock climbing but I was unable to climb it due to my shoes being too slippery. Later that night, our teams had to prepare a song or dance to represent our day. It was hilarious and entertaining to say the least.

The next day, we had a zumba in the morning. The instructor although very old was able to dance very well compared to us. We then went for 2 big obstacles, Flying fox and Low element. The low element was not as challenging as I though even though I lost my balance and fell off the 4th obstacle out of 5. The flying fox was my favourite. The peculiar thing was that I wasn't even scared when I stood up the ramp. It was so confusing as I was actually very afraid at first but then everything disappeared when the instructors let go of me and I began to fly. Till this day, I have grown in confidence due to this experience so I thank the Form 6 Centre for organizing this!

Straight afterwards was meant to be the closing ceremony but my class, ICT together with Business had to leave early. We went up to Kundasang where we were greeted with a cold breeze. My honest opinion on that place is that it's nice and beautiful but when the temperatures begin to drop, even the thickest of the thick people can start to freeze. There were 3 subjects which had split to 2 sessions each. For 2 of those subjects, Economy and Pengajian am, we combined with Business and I'll say it was the best experience I've ever had in class. ICT by itself is very quiet and boring(no offence) but when paired with Business, the personalities begin to show themselves. It's mostly the thrill of being in a class with so many people compared to a tiny little class.

The meals there were so much better compared to the Kiulu camp (the Muslim training centre really knows how to cook). The best part was that we all got to play some sports on the 2nd day. Studying is fun until you get bored and unfit so what better way to fix that than to play some sports? There were only about 11 boys so we went ahead and played futsal together. I'll be honest, I never expected to be able to play a full 60 minutes of futsal before. The goals were tiny so I wasn't able to score any goals but nonetheless, it was a thrilling experience.

The best part came on the last day. I was able to finally lead the christian fellowship for once (for real). Before this, I actually ran for Exco Kerohanian in the MPP election but was dragged away from that into running for Exco Perhubungan. As you know, I lost either way but I believe God has a reason for everything. This is for once, something new to me and I enjoyed every second of it. I have never sang so loudly in front of others before this and so I feel a big difference in myself after going through these camps.

I'll just cut this short because this reflection would become repetitive if I said anymore. I've met so many new people, made new friends and grown as a person. I've conquered my fear of heights and have a new outlook on life. I'd mostly like to thank all teachers and Maktab Sabah for organizing such activities for us. I hope to join more in the future as well. That is all, thanks!

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